Key Information for Travelers to Malaysia.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on The Movement Control Order (MCO) Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture

Tourism & Culture Sector

Yes. All new applications can be submitted via post. Documents for other application such as withdrawal on savings and termination can be issued via email at . However, all transactions related to MM2H are CLOSED until 30 April 2020.

All programmes and activities involving public under MOTAC will be POSTPONED to another date that will be notified later through MOTAC website at

Under the Movement Control Order (MCO), the public is barred from going to all tourist areas for all social activities and if the visit does not involve essential services. You are advised NOT to continue your holiday.

The public is advised to talk to the hotels on refunds for bookings made during this period.

All ASWARA and IKN students staying in the hostel are NOT ALLOWED to leave their campus. Meals are provided and the health as well as the welfare of students will be monitored from time to time by the institution.

You are allowed. Any Malaysian overseas can return during the period. However, individuals must go through health screening and perform self-quarantine.

Will museum/library/Istana Budaya)/archeological site/Malaysia TourismCentre be operating during the MCO period?


All public facilities under MOTAC are CLOSED until 30 April 2020. Full list of these facilities could be referred via this link:,-kesenian-dan-kebudayaan-motac-ditutupsementara-sehingga-30-april-2020

Public CAN also access 13.2 million online digital reading materials for free via website

Travel Agency (Licensing)

Is the counter for licensing applications open during MCO?


No. All over-the-counter in headquarters and MOTAC state offices related to tourism licensingincludingbusinesstraveloperator,touristguide,tourismtraining institute and registration of rated accommodation premises, spa centre and foot massage centre is CLOSED until 31 Mac 2020 except online application. However, the process of documentations will only take place by 1 April 2020 subject to the complete application. Online payment is CLOSED for licensing purpose.

Will compound or fine be imposed on the late renewal of tourism licensing throughout the MCO?



Will travel agency be operating throughout this period?


Not allowed. Travel agency is not classified under essential services according to Required Service Schedule (Regulation 2) P.U (A) 2020 (Jadual Perkhidmatan Perlu (Peraturan 2) P.U(A) 2020). Travel agency is only allowed to provide transportation from tourist accommodation premises to the airports or ports and back to the tourist accommodation premises.

Can the public refund their hotel/accommodation/homestay booking they have made for before the implementation of MCO? (including online platform)


The refund is subject to the terms and conditions between service provider and customer (including online service provider). Public is urged to discuss directly with the service provider on refunds for bookings made before the implementation of MCO.

Are courses organised by Tour & Travel Management Course (TTMC), Tour & Travel Enhancement Course (TTEC), Courses Improving Umrah Control (KPPU) and Continuous Tourism Related Education (CTRE) by the Tourism Training Institute (ILP) still allowed during the Movement Control Order?


No. Courses by these organisations have been postponed until further notice.

Are Tourist Guides (TG) allowed to continue their guiding throughout the MCO?


No. Any guiding activities by TGs are not allowed throughout this order in effect.

Are Tour Buses & Car Rental activities still allowed to operate throughout the Movement Control Order?


Tour Buses & Car Rental activities in Sabah, Sarawak, and Federal Territory of Labuan are not permitted throughout this order in effect. However, Tour Buses & Car Rental activities for states in Peninsular Malaysia, kindly refer to the Ministry of Transport (MOT).

Tourist Accomodation Premises (Hotel / Resort/ Budget Hotel/ Apartment Hotel & more)

Are tourist accommodation premises allowed to operate during the MCO?


All tourist accommodation premises are allowed to operate on a minimum basis. However, all guests of the tourist accommodation premises must stay in their respective rooms during the Movement Control Order. Dining services at the tourist accommodation premises are only for their in-house guests through room service. Additional services and facilities such as pool, playground, gym and spa are not permitted. Check-ins at tourist accommodation premises during the order are allowed, but on a small and limited scale. For guests at tourist accommodation premises who have to extend their stay due to the implementation of MCO, they may book and/or check in with the tourist accommodation premises according to their budget. However, new check-ins for domestic tourists or newcomers are not allowed.

Are tourist accommodation premises allowed to accept check-in by contract guests (e.g. flight crew) during the MCO?


Yes, tourist accommodation premises can accept check-in by contract guests subject to compliance with applicable terms during the MCO.

Can tourist accommodation premises that provide health services operate during this control period?


Tourist accommodation premises that provide health services are allowed to operate subject to compliance with applicable terms during the MCO.

Will the employees of the tourist accommodation premises be paid salary?


It is subjected to the Employment Act 1955. Kindly refer to the Ministry of Human Resources.

I am staying at a five (5) star hotel, can I move to another hotel due to financial constraint?


For guests at tourist accommodation premises that have to extend their stay during this MCO, they may check-in at any tourist accommodation premises according to their budget. However, new check-ins for domestic tourists or newcomers are not allowed.

What should the tourist accommodation premises do if in-house guests are suspected or diagnosed positive COVID-19?


The tourist accommodation premises should contact Crisis Preparedness Response Centre (CPRC)/ any Health Centre nearby immediately.

Be informed about Malaysia
as a travel destination.